December Workshop | 1 hour

Hyggely Sweaters

Join us for this 1-visit* oven-bake clay workshop!

Ready to get hyggely?

Hygge (Hoo Ga) is the Danish word for cozy and comfy. To live in the moment and enjoy time spent with friends and family. Savour every moment of coziness and comfy making your very own Hyggely Sweater Ornament!

Gather with friends and family to celebrate being together and making memories.

10/10 on the Hygge scale!

Join us in the studio to create an amazing Ditto Oven Bake Clay Hygge Sweater! Limited times available!

December | Hyggely Sweaters | 1 Hr Instructor Guided Workshop {member pricing} $5 per person

{non - members price}

$35 per person

{member pricing}

$5 per person

(need to be signed in to see member pricing) 
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Workshop Details


1. Build & Sculpt: 1 hour of instruction

2. Pickup: In approximately 14 days it’ll be ready for pickup.


2" H × 2" W

Techniques & Materials

Techniques: Sculpting

Materials: Oven-bake clay for making up to 3 sweaters

Oven-Bake Clay 101

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, oven bake clay is SUPER user-friendly. Its soft and pliable texture makes it easy to mold, shape, and blend, giving you full control over your creations. It’s already coloured, so there is no glazing necessary. It goes into an oven to cure, rather than getting fired in a kiln. You can even twirl and blend it together, to make your own custom colours!